Finally ready to pop the question?

Let’s assume you’re reading this because you’ve been dating the love of your life for a significant amount of time, or you’ve simply been together long enough to know that they are the one. You both make each other happy, you have one another’s unwavering support, and you can’t imagine anyone else defining the word love as much as they do.

You’re ready to propose.

You’re ready to take the next step in your relationship, and most importantly – in your life. Marriage starts with a small question that carries large meaning. “Will you marry me?”

Will you be my always and forever? Will you never leave my side? Will you put up with my hangry attitude every night after work? The “will you’s” are so important they basically consume our minds during the entire thought process. The thought process that can be overwhelming. Whether it’s an overwhelming feeling of excitement, joy, pressure, or stress, it’s still vast.

The one thing to remember when you’re trying to come up with the “perfect” proposal is that you don’t have to do it alone. Here are 5 reasons you should choose a professional to help you plan the big moment:

1. So you can focus on the speech, instead of the planning

Many people worry so much about the planning of the moment, it ends up taking over the entire celebration. I’m assuming your soon-to-be fiancé values your thoughts, your opinions, and your feelings. They want to know why you are choosing them, why you are ready to make this commitment, and most importantly – why they should say yes. Let a professional do the rest so that you can write your fairy-tale speech.

2. So that your idea is unique and creative

We know that you think you can come up with the perfect idea, we know that you think you know your significant other better than anyone else, and we know you think it’s not that big of a deal. But guess what? We WILL come up with the perfect idea – not just assume we will, we WILL know what your significant other wants – whether you think so or not, and we WILL remind you that the proposal is as important as the wedding day. When you’re 50 and celebrating with your future children, they won’t ask how your wedding day was, they’ll ask you “HOW DID YOU PROPOSE?”

3. So that you aren’t overwhelmed and stressed

It’s true that the emotions you feel when thinking about proposing are joy and happiness, but when you are days away, and you forgot to order flowers and make the dinner reservation, you might feel something different. Let us take the pressure off and ensure that all you have to do is show up with the ring. Chances are, your confidence will make the moment that much more magical.

4. So that you’re spending your money wisely

If you are going to be spending $100 on dinner, $100 on flowers, $100 on wine, and $100 on Kleenex wiping the stress from your brow, we think it might be best to spend that $400 somewhere better. With our vendor relations and tight community ties, we can ensure you’re getting the best value for your dollar. Trying to build those relationships on your own for a one day event isn’t going to go over well. We’re here to help in every way possible.

5. So that your significant other is surprised

As much as our family and friends are the number one go to when it comes to planning something as important as a marriage proposal, often times they are more excited than you, meaning they might spill the beans. Let’s keep everyone surprised, including your significant other. A slip of the tongue or a little bit of gossip can ruin the moment. It’s never a true surprise unless you keep it to yourself. A professional can ensure that the proposal will go off without a hitch.  

Remember that preparation is key in many aspects of life, and this is no different. Contact us for your proposal needs, keep us in mind for unique and romantic ideas, and always ensure you both enjoy the moment.

What are some other reasons you would use a professional service? Let us know in the comments!


